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Agains the Grain on Stability of a 9 to 5

Against the Grain on Job Stability

October 12, 20235 min read

It’s Sunday night, you had an incredible weekend, and you're dreading going back to work on Monday.

We’ve all been sold the dream of going to school…coming out with a pile of debt to “get a STABLE job” that pays you less than your worth, where you rot away till you're 65 yrs old…

To make themselves feel better people say “It’s not a job, it's a career.” Let’s not pretend, only 2% of people have careers, the rest of the people have Jobs.

The definition of a JOB is an activity you get paid for because you wouldn't do it voluntarily.

In this newsletter, I'm going to show you the step by step plan that will allow you to quit your job and build a profitable online income, in the hopes that it inspires you to take action.

Understanding this will give you the power to start creating a life where you're not stuck in the traditional 9 to 5, where you have the freedom to spend your time how you want, when you want with whom you want.

The freedom to be in full control of your time, emotions, and life.

Unfortunately, many of us are so conditioned by society's paradigm. In this paradigm we think it's all about getting a job, where I have to work for somebody else. The traditional employment model worked for our parents and the generation before them because in that time that is where the most opportunity was.

Problem is many still live as if it's the 1960s, and they don’t realize we’re going into a new era.This happens for a few reasons:

  • #1 Being ignorant to other ways of making an income outside of the 9 to 5.

  • #2 Having a false sense of job security, when the reality is you can lose your job any minute.

  • #3 Being stuck in the day to day, having a job that chews up a good chunk of your day, you get home, you're exhausted.

  • #4 Need for “stable income” becomes an addiction, people splurge, live above their means until it catches up to them.

Addictions are very harmful habits. “The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb

If you’re thinking, “Gosh I missed my chance”, truth is, it’s never too late to start.

In 2017 I was working jobs I hated, 6 years later I've built:

  • Built a $1.7M brick and mortar business

  • Made a $100k/mo in a consulting business

  • Built a $2.7M online education company

I am not an expert at finance or money management, everything I share is from trial and error and what has worked for me to have freedom.

Here is how I quit my soul sucking 9 to 5 and built a Profitable Online Income:

Step 1: Early Financial Freedom

There are only 2 ways to be financially free:

Live below your means OR make more money.

Since the second one can’t happen overnight, let’s start with the first.

Get rid of unnecessary spending. What has helped me is the NOW Framework (Need Or Want)

I ask myself do I need this? Or do I want it?

While I was preparing to quit my job, I only spent money on things I needed.

By cutting out unnecessary expenses, you can start saving and investing in your future.

Step 2: Gut The Debt

Debt holds a lot of people to their job, but they keep spending so they never actually pay it off.

Get aggressive and gut the debt as fast as possible.

I used the Snowball Method.

This is where you pay off the little debts first then attack the big ones.

For example if you have credit card debt and a student loan, then you pay off the smallest debt while paying the minimum balance on your largest debts.

When small debts are paid off, start applying the payments you were making to the larger debts.

This helped me pay off close to $50k of debt.

Step 3: Stash Cash

Have 3,6, or 12 months of cash to cover expenses, this will give you peace of mind and get you out of a scarcity mindset.

Scarcity forces you to settle with the guy or gal that is a 6 but you know you can be with a 10.

Start with 3 months and build up from there.

Best way to do this is, after paying off your debt, start making those same payments into a separate bank account.

As if you’re paying down the debt for the future.

Step 4: Always Be Learning New Skills

Start thinking of learning as discipline.

Replace social media with an addiction to learning.

Remember we are all replaceable in the corporate environment, the only way to become irreplaceable is by learning skills

Schedule learning time to pursue your passions and learn indispensable skills.

Examples of indispensable skills: Copywriting, Sales, Digital Marketing, Coding, Product Development, Branding, Value Creation, Writing, Using AI, the list is endless.

No matter what happens, these skills will come in handy in making a profitable income in the Information Economy.

Even though society has ingrained the 9 to 5 culture and a myth of “Job Security” the truth is we are all replaceable.

But there is a way for you you have the ability to break free to live a life where you are in control.

Where you have the freedom to spend your time how you want, when you want with whom you want.

The freedom to be in full control of your time, emotions, and life.


Your 9 to 5 is not stable, it’s a false paradigm that society has ingrained in us for the last 100 years.

Here is an action plan to quit your 9 to 5 and build a profitable online income:

  • Step #1: Live Below Your Means

  • Step #2: Gut The Debt

  • Step #3: Stash Cash

  • Step #4: Always Be Learning New Skills

If you found this valuable and know someone else who can benefit from this you can share it with them using this link:

Also you can connect with me on here, where you can shoot me a DM and give me your feedback.

Keep crushing it, and don’t let anything hold you back from accomplishing your goals.

Until next time,


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Mohammed Malik

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